May 192013

While researching the best piping to use for the hydraulics, I’d found out that copper piping is banned in many countries as it is susceptible to work hardening over time. I thought it wise to switch to Cunifer pipes as it is a safety issue, even though I had already purchased a copper pipe kit from Automec.

In the end I took the cautious approach to all the braking system and planned to have the master cylinder and servo units professionally renovated. The main reason being an inspection of the master cylinder had revealed some pitting and I wasn’t confident it would be possible to get a good seal without it being re-sleeved.

Also the fixing studs on the servo unit were all at odd angles so something was amiss. Opening up the servo uncovered a bodged weld ‘repair’ to one of the studs. The servo casing looked as if it had been fractured around the stud and so would need replacing. The units were sent off to J & L Spares to be repaired. However the cost of repairing the master cylinder was more than the cost of a new one so I opted for the latter.

Servo Mounting Studs Bodged repair weld Renovated Servo

The mounting studs for the brake servo were all at odd angles, suggesting all was not well

One of the studs appears to have been bent resulting in a fracture around the stud, whic had been poorly 'repaired'

A renovated servo unit from J & L Spares

Apart from a basic understanding, I’d never really paid much attention to the detailed workings of servo assisted brake systems. So it was out with the Jaguar service manuals to get a better understanding of how the vacuum boost is controlled. It should help if troubleshooting is required later on, especially as I will be tapping into the vacuum circuit for the EDIS Megajolt control module.

It’s actually quite simple. A reservoir tank stores a ‘vacuum’ by being connected to the inlet manifold, which is at a lower pressure than the ambient air pressure. This is then used to boost the braking force when the brake pedal is pressed.

The servo unit contains to volume chambers which are both connected to the vacuum reservoir but separated by a diaphragm. The servo hydraulic piston is operated by fluid forced from the master cylinder but also by a spindle attached to the centre of the diaphragm.

At rest when no braking force is applied, there is no flow of hydraulic fluid and both chambers are at equal pressure and so no force is exerted on the piston.

However when the brake is applied, the master cylinder piston is pushed down the bore forcing fluid from the master cylinder to the servo unit. This operates the servo hydraulic plunger. Near the end of the travel of the master cylinder piston, it operates a reaction valve.

The reaction valve first disconnects the servo’s rear chamber from the vacuum supply and then opens the rear chamber to atmospheric pressure. This creates a pressure difference between the front and rear chambers, which forces the diaphragm and attached spindle forward. Thus increasing the force applied to the servo hydraulic piston.

Once these were installed on the car, it was time for the fabrication of the hydraulic piping ….

The brass fittings were salvaged from the Automec kit and the copper piping used for making mock-ups of the more complex sections. Cunifer piping is typically sold in 25 foot coils which was more than enough. So I had plenty spare ‘just in case’ I made a hash of making the individual pipes.

I now needed to straighten the replacement Cunifer piping and also to obtain a brake flaring tool. Initially I purchased a flarer from Machine Mart which was little short of useless and had the typical Made in China quality about it. I ought to know better by now!

There’s always a number of old, quality flaring tools on eBay but these usually change hands for well in excess of £100. I think people just resell them back on eBay once they’ve finished their restorations, which is what I planned to do. However after being outbid on numerous times I gave up as I needed to press on.

The Oakes brake flaring tool purchased from Automec was well worth the investmentAfter a recommendation, I picked up a new Oakes tool from Automec at the Jaguar Spares Day for a show price of £90. Quite a bit for a tool for a one off job but it does produce good, consistent flares every time. All in all, a good investment and a quality tool.

I’d previously straightened all the copper piping over a form (covered in a previous post) but subsequently disposed of the wooden form, thinking I’d no longer need it!

I did come across a straightening tool produced by a company called Kwix UK which seemed promising. However it only straightens a pipe of a fixed diameter so I’d need three tools for each of the pipe diameters used for the brake and fuel lines.

One to avoid - the Kwix UK pipe straightener - it could be a good product but really let down by their customer serviceThe 1/4″ brake pipes linking the master cylinder and servo run around the engine frames. I thought any slight bends/kinks in these pipes would be more noticeable as they run along the straight edges of the frames. The 1/4″ tool was purchased as a trial and it worked well so I got the 5/16″ one for the fuel lines.

Unfortunately this time, the pipe passed straight through without a hint of straightening and emails to the company received no response. I think they probably just sent the wrong sized tool but couldn’t be bothered with addressing customers’ issues so I won’t be dealing with them again!

The difficulty with bending the pipes was that often it wasn’t possible to trial fit the pipe after each bend was made. The unbent length would usually foul some part of the bodywork, stopping the pipe being placed in situ to mark the exact point for the next bend.

There was little margin for error for pipes that had to be bent in different planes. It only takes slight errors in the position of the bend, the angle of the bend or the plane in which the bend is made for it not to fit and the errors are magnified once another bend or two is added.

The clutch and rear brake piping, although the photos don't quite capture the various bends in numerous different planesThe mantra measure twice cut once applied here as, once bent, it’s almost impossible to re-straighten a pipe, especially the larger diameter piping. In fact it was more like measure 10 times, bend once! I probably had to discard just under half of my first attempts.

Having completed the hydraulics, I’m not convinced of the wisdom of purchasing kits as it would be nigh on impossible to get all the pipes right first time. So I’m glad I decided to fabricate my own pipes and it was quite therapeutic.

Having said that, I still managed a few numpty moments. A couple of times I allowed the brass fitting to slide away from the flared end onto the wrong side of where the bend was then made. Another scrapped length of piping!

The copper kit didn’t go completely to waste as it was cut down into shorter lengths and used to get correct position, angle and plane for a small section with say 2 or 3 bends. This could then be offered up without fouling the bodywork before making the same bends in the full length of pipe.

I had all but a few of the original pipes to use as templates however I did deviate in a couple of areas:

  • The pipe to the rear runs along the under floor box section but divert so it is clear of the mounting bolts for the torsion bar reaction plate. In doing so I think the pipe would be more exposed to damage. I continued running along the box section and will just need to take care when doing up the torsion plate bolts.
  • I thought it looked neater having straight piping around the front of the engine frames rather than trying to get them to mirror all the rises and falls in the frame profile. Therefore, just before the front brake union, the smaller front brake pipe jumps over the larger pipe rather than underneath.

Also my pipe bender couldn’t get as tight ‘U’ bends from the brake and clutch master cylinders and other methods were prone to causing the pipe to start collapsing.

Hydraulic Pipe Routing
Below are a few photos of the trial fitting of the various hydraulic pipes on the S2.

Clutch from Master Cylinder Clutch low pressure pipe

The routing of the clutch piping from the master cylinder to the flexible hose union. Note - not fitted at this stage is the P-clip on the LH frame bolt, securing the pipe

The clutch low pressure hose has a tight U-bend before running parallel with the engine frame

Brake – Master to Servo Brake – around Picture Frame Brake – Master to Servo & To Front

The brake pipe from the master cylinder to the servo unit also has an initial tight U-bend before running down the diagonal, round engine frame

The pipe then routes around the bottom of the picture frame to an inline union

From the union, the pipe travels up the opposite side frame member to the servo unit.

Front feed over Master to Servo Left Front Brake Righr Front Brake

The feed fro mthe servo to the front brakes first passes underneath the thicker master to servo pipe and then over it to the front union

The left brake pipe from the front union

The right brake pipe from the front union

Servo to Rear Union Union to Rear A few off cuts!!

The path of the pipe for the rear brakes from the servo to an inline union, which includes the brake light hydraulic switch

From the brake light switch union, the rear pipe passed down the LHS of the underside of the car

The fitting of the clutch and brake pipes was definitely a case of practice makes perfect - a few off cuts!

Jan 162013

Various sections of the exhaust heatshield which protects the brake servo unit had snapped off. I believe the material used contained asbestos and, for obvious reasons, is no longer available. So I needed to look for a replacement and wasn’t too impressed with what I found on offer, mainly the price!

A top corner and a considerable portion of the other side of the heatsield had snapped off The brackets used to mount the heatshield to the engine space frame

I suspect the fragility of the original heat shield is a common problem as a number of others had reported sections had broken off. The repro offerings from the usual players where simply bent sheets of either stainless steel or aluminium plate.

They would provide a physical barrier to limit the areas affected by thermal convention. However, without some form of insulation on the surface facing the exhaust, I thought the shield would get very hot and then conduct heat to the surrounding areas. Some form of heat insulation might be a good idea.

A photo posted by a member of the E-Type forum showing the difference between the original and aftermarket heatshieldsThe photo to the right (posted by a member of the E-Type forum) also shows the differences between the original and repro shields. You’d have thought they would have at least made an attempt to get the size correct but I guess it would provide a greater physical barrier.

The forum member was also kind enough to post the overall dimensions of the shield. That, coupled with the piece I had remaining, meant I could at least have a stab at fabricating my own.

Also the price was excessive as usual, coming in at around £45 once P&P had been added. The sheet of aluminium purchased to make my own was only £7.50! (Although I ended up far exceeding the £45 when I decided to add the thin heat shield material!!)

The original is approximately 3mm thick so I ordered a suitable sheet of 3mm aluminium plate. With hindsight I probably should have opted for 2mm plate as this would easily have been sturdy enough and less weight. The aluminium plate was first cut to size using a jigsaw run along a straight edge to ensure neat edges.

The mounting holes were then drilled and the lower oblong mounting slot profiled from two 5/16″ holes using a dremel. Being aluminium it was very easy to work with, both cutting and drilling.

A length of steel angle (actually some shed roof edging) was used to make sure the aluminium plate was cut to size with straight edges The fixing holes and various dimensions were mapped out on the protective covering - measure twice, cut once etc! Another photo posted by the forum member showed the two bends were roughly the same angle

I now had the problem of getting neat bends into the flat sheet as I didn’t have any sheet metal equipment. The 3mm plate is quite rigid so I was concerned a DIY Heath Robinson solution to bend it would more than likely end up with me making a pig’s ear of it. So I popped out to a local fabrication company to see if they could help.

I think they’re more used to large volume commercial clients! However as it was lunchtime they weren’t busy and one of them kindly offered to put the bends in there and then. The machine used to bend sheet metal was computer controlled press about 15′ long. A few taps later, to program the sheet thickness, distance of the bend from the edges and the required angle, and hey presto! A neatly bent heatshield was returned. Not only that but he wouldn’t take any money for his time!

All that remained was to cover the exhaust side with a heatshield material, rather than leave as bare sheet metal like the repro items. I obtained some self-adhesive heatshield material from a company called Zircotec to line the transmission tunnel area and so also purchased a sheet of their thicker Zircotec II for the heatshield. It might provide a little more protection.

A sheet of Zircotec II was cut slightly oversize to cover the exhaust side of the heatshield The finished heatshield!

The Zircotec sheet was cut 20mm oversize to provide a 10mm excess which could be wrapped around the edges. I was quite pleased with the final result.